Monday, July 30, 2012

another countdown

The military, I have learned, is all about numbers.
The Navy has bred a love/hate relationship 
between me and countdowns.
Since the day my son signed his Navy contract
I have been counting down... departures, arrivals,
tests, scores, graduations, leave... 
And now the countdown is to Power School graduation.
It will be a great milestone for my sailor! He still has 
some BIG,HARD tests to pass, but hopefully we will 
be in South Carolina on September 14th to see
him and his shipmates in their dress whites GRADUATING!

Of course, that will also be he start of another countdown.
My sailor will have a period of "grad hold" that could be weeks
or months, then he will go on to Prototype... 6 months of
learning and working on a real live, functioning nuclear reactor. 
No big deal... ;)

So, I count... the months, weeks, days and minutes
until I see my sailor! And I count my blessings.
In his almost 1 year in the USN, my son has accomplished 
so much. I am so proud of him.. and all my kids.
 I am very blessed to have great kids and a good life. 
♥I count myself lucky!♥

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Thank you to all the heroes 
that protect and defend our freedom! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

things that make a momma smile...

My son has been off on his "great adventure" 
for 11 months!
Sometimes I feel like he left yesterday, but 
more often it feels like he  has been a sailor
for a very long time. 
I miss him. Nothing new there,
but there are things things that warm my heart~
like the photo above.♥
My sailor/pirate is in green
and he is dressed for a day of sailing.
Yes, finally he set foot on a BOAT!!
Okay, not a NAVY boat, but a boat nonetheless!
It makes me happy to see him fitting in some fun
and outdoor activity with some of 
his shipmates. You might have to be a 
nuke mom to totally appreciate this. 
My son is over halfway done with part 2 (of 3)
of his nuclear schooling. He has a lot to be
proud of, but still a ways to go. 
He is working hard and he makes me so proud.
It makes the "missing him part" at bit
easier to bear. 
February was a long time ago. That's when I 
last saw him. If all goes well, he will
graduate Power School on Sept. 14th.
I am counting the days! 
The Navy continues to teach not only my son,
but me as well. I have learned so much
about faith and letting go.
I have learned that you can live 
with your heart in two places at once.
And that makes me smile.